Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Episode 3 - The Facebook Debacle

Episode 3 show notes:
- welcome to episode 3! (feels weird to be at 3)

- from Jonathan Romley of Artist Force
- moderator of the panel I talked about
"I enjoyed your video. I also hoped for some more insightful vision of the future than I was able to extract. You've made a good point – often, our guess is as good as the next well informed social media fanatic. I wish you the best with your vlog."

- from Doug Hanna, filmmaker
"Love the show- Keep it up!

I don't have a music Facebook page, but what I find from a Facebook Fan Page for my films and movies is that it does get you a few new fans. Facebook makes a big deal about anything anyone does so if someone becomes a fan of "Bob The Singer" it will come up on all of their friends home pages that says So-and-So became friends with "Bob The Singer". You might get fans that way."
- goes on to talk about some of the general benefits of having a fan page.
- This happened to me with The Leviathan Chronicles.

So I Set One Up
- the set up sucked
- browser crashed 6 times while trying to upload photos
- discography application kept erroring back to photo album application
- after completing the photo album the discography application still didn't work
- uploading music requires that you prove you're who you say you are by faxing them a copy of your drivers license, then takes a few days to approve
- I was approved, but still don't know where users can play the songs I uploaded

Was It Worth it?
- maybe
- 121 fans, as of now, roughly 1/3 of friends on personal page
- however, many fans are not friends, possibly half, so I am reaching new people

Don't Invite Friends?
- couldn't figure out how to invite friends, so I asked a friend
- she said don't, she hates when bands invite you to become fans
- then volunteered to do it for me
- I posted on Twitter, cross posted to my status

Set Up on
- easy process
- must have separate account as listener, can't be both artist and listener
- makes a game out of listening to music and discovering new music
- several friends jumped onto it after I did and have become hooked

- What web sites do you use to promote your music, and how well has it worked out for you?
- send feedback to

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