Friday, June 12, 2009

Episode 1: Welcome!

Show notes:

- my name is Tom Rockwell, aka Devo Spice
- I do comedy rap, but don't let that throw you. This blog is for anyone working as an independent musician, full time or not.

- Lots of podcasts promise to help, but all seem to be from outside looking in.
- Strength in numbers. If enough people get involved we can all help each other out. Hopefully we can learn from each other. My weak spot is promotion and marketing.

- If it works, I'll continue. If not, I'll stop.
- No set schedule for now.
- Why video? So I don't spend more time than necessary on it.
- If it was audio I'd feel compelled to polish it. I already spend roughly 10 hours a week on Manic Mondays. Can't afford another 10 hours a week.

Today's topic: Time Management
- This is something I'm good at.
- 3 kids, wife, dog, house, full time job, weekly podcast, run The FuMP, freelance. Where do I find time for music? Wherever I can.
- All those things I listed come before my music. The trick is simply to prioritize and do a little at a time whenever you get a chance.
- Tell jar story from college.
- Big rocks - family
- Marbles - job, house, freelance
- Sand - music
- If something is important to you you will find the time to do it
- May have to give up or cut down something else, like TV, video games
- Used to do it in my head, but things were slipping through the cracks, and then I'd be up late as deadlines approached. Now I have a to do list- simple google doc divided into 4 sections:
1. Do now - the current priority
2. Ongoing - weekly or monthly stuff: podcast, accounting, etc.
3. Active jobs - things I'm actively working on
4. On hold - things I can't work on because I'm waiting for something

1. Delegate when possible
2. Invest more time now to save more later
3. Do a little at a time whenever possible (lunch break, etc.)
4. Prioritize - quick/easy things first to get them out of the way, then look at deadlines
5. Learn to say no - Even to yourself. Really evaluate the value of a project before you undertake it. Will it be worth your time? If not, don't do it.

- time management tips, tools, or any questions, future topics, whatever
- send feedback to

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